
Js Plugins

JS 插件就是一个纯粹的 Javascript 对象.

import { UserConfig } from '@farmfe/core';

export default <UserConfig> {
// ...
plugins: [
// a plugin object
name: 'my-resolve-plugin',
priority: 1000, // the priority of this plugin, the larger the value, the earlier the execution. Normally internal plugins is 100.
resolve: {
filters: { // Only execute the hook when following conditions satisfied
sources: ['\\./index.ts'], // a regex array
importers: ['None'],
executor: async (param) => { // this hook executor
console.log(param); // resolve params
// return the resolve result
return {
resolvedPath: 'virtual:my-module',
query: {},
sideEffects: false,
external: false,
// load, transform are similar to resolve, refer to their types


// my-resolve-plugin.ts
export function myResolvePlugin(options: Options) {
const { xx } = options

return {
name: 'my-resolve-plugin',
resolve: {
// ...

// farm.config.ts
import { defineFarmConfig } from '@farmfe/core/dist/config';
import { myResolvePlugin } from './myResolvePlugin.ts';

export default defineFarmConfig({
// ...
plugins: [myResolvePlugin({ xx:'xx' })],
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