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Version: 1.0.0

Source Map

Farm supports Source Map, which is automatically enabled by default. Sourcemap can be enable or disable via the compilation.sourcemap option.


Farm will not generate sourcemap for files under node_modules by default, if you want to generate sourcemap for files under node_modules, configure compilation.sourcemap to all.

Using compilation.sourcemap to configuring sourcemap generation:

export default {
compilation: {
sourcemap: 'all', // generate sourcemap for modules under node_modules

All options are as below:

  • true: Only generate sourcemap for files not under node_modules, and generate a separate sourcemap file
  • false: disable sourcemap
  • inline: Only generate sourcemap for files not under node_modules, and inline sourcemap into the product, do not generate a separate file
  • all: generate sourcemap for all files, and generate a separate sourcemap file
  • all-inline: Generate source maps for all files, and inline source maps into the product, do not generate separate files

For plugin authors, if you transform the code in transform hook or renderResourcePot hook, you should return the source map of your transformation to ensure source map is correct. Farm maintains a source map chain of plugins to trace the final resources back to the real original code.

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